Raised by Feral Cats

Bryn Del Mano
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2022


Five cats, in varying positions of repose, on a bed, recline atop a white comforter.
“Find the feral cat” photo by author

On two separate occasions, as a young teen, I was made to practice what I now call, “Barnyard Veterinary”, and euthanize/shoot my dying pets, both cats, in the head, so that they wouldn’t suffer.

Years ago, this story made a therapist cry, so I’ll not go into detail. Suffice to say, that although I lived in a semi-rural area, and was in 4-H, I didn’t live on a working farm with inbred half-wits.



Bryn Del Mano

Still trying to figure it out, but finally free of the notion anyone is scrutinizing me…yes, my underwear is on my head. And?